Yesterday I read about a open source project used for testing Web Services. It was a discussion thread at a LinkedIn Group. Someone asked everyone to list their favorite automated testing tools.
This utility is called soapUI. I recommend it for testing web services. Here's what I have done with it so far; create a new project, point to the WSDL, generate the test suite and mock service, edit a request, and then submit request to the endpoint URL.
It reminded me how I learned software testing. I read books, articles, forum posts, and try all kinds of tools, utilities, and scripting languages. I'm still learning all the time.
thanks for good information .
you're right about that, but then you test software deployed locally on your development workstation
Hs verma
Genial brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.
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